Your Daily Reminder To Show Up

Your Daily Reminder To Show Up

podcast Jun 07, 2022

How are you showing up in your life and business today?

I’m chatting with life enthusiast, entrepreneur, and most consistent ‘shower upper’ Anna Richards. Anna coaches women to show up, speak up and stand up. Even on the days when she doesn’t feel like it, Anna shows up online unapologetically and with authenticity.

In this episode, Anna is giving you your daily reminder to show up just as you are. You don’t need to fake it and put on a smile, just show up and be honest about what you’re going through and how you’re feeling and your audience will be magnetised to you.

When you can bring all of yourself to the table in a bold way, success and sales will follow. People buy who you are and not what you do.

Anna started blogging in 2011 and found a love of storytelling. From there she has connected with people all around the world and grown her business. We talk about Anna’s boundaries, how to handle negativity online, and embracing every single day.

Amazingly, Anna registered for a triathlon that was in 33 days before she even knew how to swim! The next day, she jumped in a pool and started practising. Not only did she complete the triathlon, but she has also gone on to compete in 8 triathlons and 2 half iron man competitions! She’s passionate about pushing herself further and she’ll inspire you to look at your own comfort zone today.

Anna reminds us that life is not a dress rehearsal. We’re here to live boldly, unapologetically, enthusiastically, beautifully and abundantly. Stop waiting for ‘one day’ and embrace your life today.


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