Yesterday I did something I’d never done before...

leadership Jun 28, 2021

Over the last two weeks I took a road trip from Sydney, to the Hunter Valley and right up to Queensland to work on the business and have a little getaway. Due to the nature of the events I went to I was also able to expand my knowledge and network with amazing people.

First up, I attended Janine Garner’s IC Retreat which was all about BIG Picture Future Thinking. During this time I created my decision compass around my core pillars of passion, communication, abundance and opportunity. Over the coming months I’ll be diving in and talking about these more to note only give you working insight into who I am and my value system but how they apply to you and our productions, as well as my community, clients and friends.

I then drove up to Noosa to mastermind the online side of my business at  Tina Tower’s ‘Her Empire Builder’ retreat, stopping in at many business connections and friends along the way - it’s safe to say I really packed in the big thinking and inspiring conversations on this trip and it was EPIC!

My key takeaway from Tina’s Retreat was to “Step into my light and shine bright” - something which is an extension of my learning “You Do You” which was acquired at the latest Business Chicks Movers & Breakers Conference in the incredible Barossa Valley.

So why am I sharing all of this with you?

Well, you see - this has been a huge growth period for me and I hope that my learnings can become your learnings too.

Let me explain.

After reflecting on the messaging of each of these events I began to notice a common thread; courage and confidence to be even more uniquely myself.

This recurring narrative of being myself, shining brightly, thinking big according to MY values moved me to take action in a way that I haven’t done before.

As many of you may already know (and for those that don’t), I am an Alopecian which basically just means that when you see me one day I may be a brunette and then the next I may just be blonde… I don’t have hair on my body so naturally, I wear wigs!

But I’ve been feeling more and more challenged by this recently and slowly over the past few years I’ve stopped wearing wigs amongst trusted friends and family. But all of this growth the last few weeks got me thinking - ‘why can’t I simply apply this courage to every part of my life, including at work?’

I’m proud to say that yesterday was the first day I have visited a client and not worn a wig! It felt nerve wracking but it was also a wildly big step forward in stepping more into owning who I am and showing up as her. Needless to say, the day went really well and I’m looking forward to the next meeting!

I wanted to share this story with you to inspire you to take a piece of my courage and apply it to something in your world that has been keeping you back from flourishing. Maybe it doesn’t have anything to do with your appearance but simply speaking up more? Maybe you always dull the sparkle of your ideas before you share them? Whatever it is, can I encourage you today to believe that your uniqueness is your edge and part of your value! Lean into it.

Things are changing up here at the Rebecca Saunders headquarters and this is JUST the beginning.

Thank you for coming along for the ride.


Stay Camera Confident!

Rebecca x

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