There’s only 86 days until Christmas!

entrepreneurship leadership Sep 30, 2021

Can you believe that Q4 is here tomorrow?!

I find the last quarter of the year an interesting time. Some businesses are ramping up for the biggest months of their year and others are slowly winding down as people begin to take leave and mentally check out. (Did I mention there’s only 86 days until Christmas?!)

When it comes to my business and supporting clients with videos and virtual events, I’ve got both feet firmly planted in the “ramping it up” camp for the next 3 months.

I’ve spent the past week planning, dreaming and creating for the quarter ahead, and I’m not prepared to drop the ball.

The nature of my business often means that as we head into the final weeks of the calendar year, I work into winding down not checking out.

In between Christmas and food planning (yep, I’m a foodie!), I'm thinking about how I can invest in myself so that I can start the new year strong for both me and my clients.

As business owners, it can be difficult for us to completely disconnect from our businesses over the holiday period…but if the truth be told, I’m not sure that I 100% want to.

Yes, being present is a must! Especially on those sacred days with family and friends… but I always find myself getting itchy feet. I want to continue learning, improving, and getting ahead so that I can give myself space to breathe as we return in the new year.

I use this time of year to do any unfinished work for my masterminds, commit to learning the things I’ve been wanting to learn and also to invest in any courses or materials that I can get through in my time off. This has to feel aligned and good and not a rush or a ‘do it later’ purchase.

So while I can check out of some things, it’s the perfect time of year for me to double down on others.

What about you? Do you use it as a chance to get ahead?

If the answer is a resounding yes, jump over and check out my signature program The Video Accelerator - a 6-week course where you’ll overcome your camera fears, learn to understand the tech and discover how to create engaging videos that will attract new customers and grow your business. Doors open for time on Tuesday 2nd November, and you can join the waitlist here.

You know it, now show it.
Rebecca x

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