Video Secrets - Rebecca Saunders

The video secret no one will admit to 🎬

camera confidence video know how Oct 29, 2021

Have you ever secretly thought -

  • How does she show up on camera EVERY day (or every week?)
  • How does she know what to say?
  • How is she so confident?

The secret no one admits to is that most people jump on camera afraid. I am yet to meet someone who doesn’t have some type of fear or resistance towards being more visible through this medium but it’s important to recognise that the act of showing up is often the cure all.

That being said, I have a slew of tips and tricks that I’ve learnt over the years not only to calm my own nerves but also to help clients show up as their best possible selves on camera - and I want to share them all with you!

So read on if I’m speaking your language...

You are not alone. The feelings you have around being on camera are very real - but the excuses often aren’t πŸ˜‰

  • I don’t have time…
  • I’m too busy…
  • I don’t have the right equipment…

Do any of these sound familiar?

Here’s what I know - if you keep looking for ways to put video creation  off, you will always find a way to do that. But if you truly want to grow camera confident, figure out the tech you need (regardless of budget) and learn to show up with ease then NOW is your time!

I have a number of resources available for you but my upcoming LIVE webinar: How to show up on screen (and present like a boss!) is where you need to be! I’m going live November 4th and you are going to learn how to look and sound professional, how to confidently step out of your comfort zone and up into your confidence and I’ll also be giving you my 6 key no-fail camera confidence hacks!

Sounds good huh?!

Make sure you register here (and check out my other FREE resources available to you below) πŸ™‚ 

Remember, small screens have a big impact!
Rebecca x

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