So how did you go this financial year?

entrepreneurship leadership Jun 03, 2021

The EOFY can be a stressful time… gathering all the necessary information and submitting it to the tax office; an especially stressful time if you’re blind-sided by the dollar value on your tax invoice…

But the EOFY also brings opportunity. Opportunity to reflect, opportunity to dream new dreams. If you had a clean slate in business, what would you do and where would you take your business? The EOFY isn’t quite a clean slate, but it does give us breathing room to think differently about the future and the possibilities that lay ahead.

As we draw nearer to June 30, pencil in some thinking time for early July. Maybe you only need a half-day, or maybe a weekend away would help you really nut out the next 12 months in business. Ask yourself:

  • What worked?
  • What will you do differently? 
  • What would you do if you had the courage? 

Perhaps it’s time to employ an additional staff member. Or implement a new system so those communication cogs can turn without all the jolts. Maybe you need more visibility and haven’t been putting yourself out there enough… perhaps you need to commit to accountability to raise your profile. What does this visibility look like? Weekly blogging? Pursuing PR? Weekly videos? we can help with that πŸ˜‰

Let’s use these last few weeks to prepare for the best financial year we’ve ever had and see the new financial year in strong.

Stay Camera Confident!

Rebecca x

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