
Reflecting on the Biggest 2 Years Ever!

podcast Dec 14, 2021

This is the final episode for 2021! I wanted to take this opportunity to reflect back on the biggest 2 years and what I’m looking forward to in 2022. 

In this episode, I’m sharing the journey my team and I went through from the beginning of 2019 to now. My business has gone from almost shutting the doors in 2019 to making over seven figures in 12 months. When the world was going through chaos due to the pandemic, the video industry took off as everyone was staying home.

I explore the challenges, the highs and lows, hiring a team member, and a business review we went through together. I discuss the boundaries I’m setting for 2022 to prevent myself and my team from burning out. 

I felt liberated stepping out into the world hair free because I was surrounded by amazing people. My team and I work hard to build our clients confidence on camera whether they’re recording their own videos or on Zoom calls. Check out my private coaching and Video Accelerator Program for more.  

Thank you very much for taking the time to join me this year. I can’t wait to see you after the break in 2022!

Check out the whole episode and the show notes here:

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