Radical Self Belief - The Rebecca Saunders Show

Radical Self Belief

podcast Mar 22, 2022

My guest today is the amazing Nikki Fogden-Moore. Nikki is known as The Mojo Maker and is an absolute expert in quantum coaching for the world’s best leaders and emerging and established entrepreneurs. She guides high performing men and women in their transformation from overwhelm to sustainable success. 

In this episode, we’re discussing the topic of radical self belief. Nikki wrote the book on this topic (literally). Her 3rd book ‘Radical Self Belief’ is a toolbox that includes a step by step roadmap to stop overwhelm and regain control over the direction in your life. 

We explore her journey writing Radical Self Belief, the checkpoints inside the book that take you from Survival Mode to Sustainable Success, and the necessity to take the time to put your oxygen mask on before others. You can retrain your brain and reprogram every area in your life by following Nikki’s steps. 

Nikki is a wealth of knowledge and is passionate about helping people to get their mojo back. I encourage you to pick up her book today!


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