finding the right mentor with shivani gupta

How to Find the Right Mentor For You

podcast Aug 23, 2022

My guest today is the wise and wonderful Shivani Gupta. Shivani originally studied engineering and worked in the corporate world for a number of years before quitting and starting her own SAM (speaking, authoring and mentoring) business. She has worked in this field now for over twenty years and is a treasure trove of knowledge.

In this episode, we explore the role that mentors have played in Shivani’s career - from her first year at university, through to the various business and spirituality mentors she works with today.

Shivani shares with us how she has found her mentors across the years, and how a mentor doesn’t always have to be a ‘person’ - books, podcasts and other learning avenues can play roles as mentors as well.

We also explore Shivani’s powerful process of goal setting and her technique of focusing on seven areas of passion. Over the years, her goal setting has evolved to play a really important role in her family’s life and we discuss how goals can play a big role personally as well.

Shivani shares a tool that helps ensure she has enough energy for her family at the end of each day, and how sometimes, big hairy audacious goals can take a number of years to achieve.

Whether you have a mentor and would like to get one, this episode is full of tips on how to get on the path to greater mental and business wellness. I think you’re really going to love hearing Shivani’s story.



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