How do you get ROI through your videos?
Mar 10, 2022One of the reasons many business owners and companies balk at any marketing endeavour is because they can’t quantify the ROI of the initiative.
Unfortunately there are areas of marketing that we simply aren’t able to fully predict the return or even report on. Organic social is one of those areas–including the video that goes along with it. We can measure SOME things but not all.
That being said, there are things you can do with your video specifically to maximise its effectiveness and consequently, your return on investment.
Here are my 5 top tips for helping you get the most out of your video efforts.
- Strategise - You do need to understand the end goal of your video, which, by the way is not always selling something. Perhaps you want to get your name out there, so you create something shareable. Perhaps you want to educate your audience more to qualify them better before they become customers or clients. Know your end goal and make every decision about that video through that lens.
- Distribute - Think about where your video is going to be honest and which social platforms you’re going to post it on. You may need different edits to ensure the video sits natively on that platform.
- Storytell - It’s easy to look at a video and apply a generic formula and be done with it. The reality is however, that people love a good story. You don’t watch Netflix for facts. You watch it to follow a story or narrative. The more you can build that into your videos, the more interesting and engaging they will be–and that’s exactly what we want–attention.
- Optimise - Your videos, depending on where you post them, need to be optimised for the platform you’re posting on. If you’re investing in YouTube, for example, understanding the basics of SEO or finding an expert that does will ensure your dollar and reach go further. Additionally, understanding how Tik Tok (yes… Tik Tok is relevant!) works and how to optimise your video for that platform is important to get the most from it.
- Call-To-Action - Don’t miss an opportunity to give your audience somewhere to go by not including a call to action. Also, don’t treat every video like a billboard that needs to advertise to people. Sometimes it’s ok just to use video to build trust and educate.
I hope these tips help you when you create your next video for social, your website or any other platform! Got questions? Click here and ask away!
Stay Camera Confident
Rebecca x