80 days  until christmas

Holy Moly - it’s 80 days until Christmas!

camera confidence Oct 06, 2022

Yep, I went there in October - I used the C word. 


Nope, not that C word, and not Covid…CHRISTMAS It’s just around the corner!


Before I jetted overseas I snuck in a photoshoot with my husband and our new puppy Bailey, and for the first time ever I’ve actually got my Christmas photo and promo material in the bag already!


But in all seriousness, we’re already into Q4 of 2022 and the end of the year is insight.


  • Have you ticked off everything you’d planned to do this year?
  • Did you get round to making those videos you’ve been thinking about?
  • Did you get that course filmed and launched like you’d planned to?


After 2 years of craziness in the world, this year for me was all about living and working with EASE - and so I made a plan, and I stuck to it.


The plan allowed me to travel the world, work remotely and film videos with my clients across the globe. 


To name a few things, the team and I have filmed client case studies in the top of Scotland, team videos in regional New Zealand and online courses on the coast of Queensland.


And for me personally, I met Richard Branson on Necker Island, hiked the Larapinta and have worked remotely from Fiji, Hawaii, London, New York and Mallorca so far this year!


It has been amazing, and another hugely rewarding year.


So Jessa, as we hurtle our way towards the end of 2022, what are you going to do over the next 80 days to make it the best year ever for momentum in your business?


If the answer involves actually getting those videos done - let’s chat and make it happen.


Life’s too short to procrastinate!


Rebecca x

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