Help! How do I know who should film my videos?
Aug 04, 2022
As your business grows, as too should your investment in video production!
From no budget to big budget, here’s my guide to who should be filming your video content so that you don't fall behind in the race for video on socials
1. DIY - $
I’ve put this as a $, but it could easily be a $$$$ because well, time can really blow out on it. And time that you spend trying to make video could be better spent making sales.
If your current budget is low (or non-existent), invest wisely in video training so that you don’t make common mistakes or get bamboozled with all the tech.
I’d recommend checking out The Video Academy for step-by-step learning
Be sure to batch plan and batch record, and then stick to those time frames so that you don’t blow out on your DIY video creation.
2. Upskill Your Team - $$
Got a small team that could help you with your video creation - great!
It’s time to upskill them and get them to help you.
Put them through The Video Academy, let me hold them accountable and let them take the content creation pressure off you.
Again, you’ll want to batch plan and record - but they’ll then do all the fiddly stuff with the edit and the upload. All you have to do is show up and talk on camera!
3. Bring in the Pro’s - $$$ (oh hey )
So you’re making money, and you’re ready to outsource - it’s time to bring in the professionals!
Use my Supplier Checklist to ensure that you’re engaging the right people and remember to talk about cost and timelines before committing to a production.
If you’re ready to invest in professional video for your business, come and work with me and my video ninjas!
Click here to check out my done-for-you video production packages or hit reply to this email let’s tee up a time to chat about your project.
Stay Camera Confident
Rebecca x
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