Rebecca Saunders

Confidence isn’t a personality trait...

camera confidence Aug 03, 2021

I talk about confidence a lot around here because it’s something that is intrinsic to leading a team and a community. Most people don’t openly admit to their lack of confidence but I have watched enough people on camera over the last decade and I can spot a lack of confidence a mile away.

Let me say, lacking confidence is not your fault - and it’s also not a life sentence.

The fastest way to build confidence is to examine our weaknesses and put measures in place to mitigate the failure associated with those weaknesses.

What do I mean by that?

I mean, if you feel disorganised with a client, the fastest way to regain your confidence in that relationship is to create structures and systems that keep you organised. Think: reminders in your calendar, scheduled calls to ensure nothing is missed, deadlines in the diary and anything else that supports you in this place.

Maybe you aren’t confident to speak in front of people (this is VERY common). Whether it’s on camera or on stage, most people get a little clammy at the idea of speaking and even if you don’t, oftentimes when you see that lens or that audience your mind goes blank! So how do you avoid this happening? Well, sometimes you can’t! BUT if you prepare and practice over and over and over again, when the nerves set in, when the imposter syndrome questions your validity - you rely on the muscle memory of your preparation.

It’s not the preparation in and of itself that elevates your confidence - it’s the moment after you step off the stage or away from the lens and think “I did it. I did that! That thing that I once thought was too big for me or beyond me - I. Did. It.”

This is the secret to confidence.

Preparation and practice. 

Do this enough times and watch your mindset shift. Watch your belief in yourself move to another level.

Think about the last time you did something you weren’t sure was in you to do… how does that feel?

I want you to tap into this next time you’re not sure you can do it. Because you can.

Confidence will give you a way about you that attracts work, positive relationships and continues to rocket you into the stratosphere. Confidence will make you feel unstoppable.

And who doesn’t want to feel unstoppable?

On that note… I have been creating a whole catalogue of posts over on Instagram around the idea of confidence. If you need some higher thinking, some cheerleading and some practical advice, head on over and take a look. I’d love to see you over there!

PS. Being a video expert it’s my job to be confident on camera, But it hasn’t always been easy - it’s taken time (and plenty of practice) for me to be the on screen presenter you see today. My journey has seen me overcome one of my biggest challenges - being on camera without my hair. If I can do it, you can. 

Start Camera Confidence
Rebecca x

PS. Need some extra guidance with your camera confidence? Check out my free Get Camera Confident Course!



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