Kara Atkinson - The Rebecca Saunders Show

Breaking glass ceiling is F**cking tiring!

podcast Mar 07, 2022

I’m so happy to be coming to you on International Women’s Day!  

In this episode, I’m bringing you the most incredible sales leader, recruiter and career accelerator Kara Atkinson. Kara has worked as a Head Hunter for over 18 years, developed her own recruitment methodology ‘The Sales Virtuoso’ and founded SPARC - The Sales Leader Network. She is an expert when it comes to finding the right person for the right job and has assisted more than 1,000 Sales Leaders into their next role. 

Together we discuss the increasing gap in the corporate world for women and how International Women’s Day, being only one day and often just a token breakfast, really doesn’t lead to any change. Kara talks about the need to see more consistent imagery of women in corporate roles who are championing other women - and not just hires to tick a box and fill a quota. 

We then go on to chat about Kara’s tips and tricks for interviewing in the digital world. Being on video comes with a host of new challenges than interviewing in person and as both an interviewer and interviewee - we must prepare and make allowances.  

Kara is committed to helping people build and transform their careers and I’m very grateful to have her on the show to share her expertise and experience with you. 

Click here to listen to the episode

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