Ask Away!
Aug 11, 2022
Ever since the world started opening up again Jessa there have been a number of questions consistently coming my way, and so I thought I’d share them with you today.
The following 3 questions get asked of me regularly - multiple times a week even.
What makes you different from other video providers?
Yep, there are plenty of other video experts out there but I like to do things a little differently.
I like making video EASY for my clients, and where applicable their clients too!
Here’s how I do it:
🔥 I have a heap of downloadable tools and templates available at the click of a button to get you started.
🔥 I’ve built a world-class video training program that is considered the must have video toolkit for business leaders, course creators and speakers looking for a step-by-step solution for making videos EASILY and with less stress.
🔥 I’ve packaged up all of my done-for-you video production services so that they are easy to understand, easy to book and easy to buy.
🔥 I’m supported by an incredible team of video ninjas who are video experts too!
Oh, and I actually walk the walk and talk the talk - making DIY and professional videos for my own business too. Pretty cool huh?
Why do you teach DIY video and offer DFY services?
The demand for video content in every business is HUGE right now, and honestly as much as I’d like to make all of your videos for you, you simply don’t have the budget for me to do so.
Am I right?
Plus, video equipment is readily available (hello iPhone and Amazon) - it just doesn’t come with a simple instruction manual.
So I made one.
I took my video knowledge and created The Video Academy™ - and it’s now the must have video toolkit for business leaders, course creators and speakers looking for a step-by-step process for making videos.
And it works for small businesses and big ones.
Then, I took what I’ve been doing for a decade - actually making videos for my clients and I packaged up Online Courses, Client Case Studies and Live Streams into easy to understand and easy to buy done-for-you video services.
The cool thing about all of this is that I can offer it all across Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA - making my business a global one.
I wholeheartedly believe that professional and DIY video should go hand-in-hand for any business, and so I teach DIY video and offer DFY services so that you can do it all EASILY.
Will I be hit with hidden costs if I work with you?
Absolutely not - I HATE hidden costs with a passion so you’ll never find them on my watch.
Sure, I have optional extras that you can add to your video package at the beginning for a small additional fee and I charge parking if it's applicable to an on location shoot, but that’s it.
Provided you stick to the scope of your chosen package, it’s all included and there are no hidden costs.
Perhaps you’ve found yourself thinking about these exact questions recently and I’ve just provided you with the answers you wanted to hear - so much so that you want to work with me now YAY!
If that’s the case, simply reply to this email and tell me about the videos you want to create.
I’d love to help you make your next video project with EASE.
Rebecca x
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