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Are you a VIP in your own life?

business advice entrepreneurship tcl community video Feb 23, 2023

One of the BIG things on my vision board this year is to feel like a VIP in my own world every. single. day.⁠

Yep. You read that right. I want to feel like a VIP everyday.⁠

And no, I'm not talking about spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on flashy experiences or fancy dinners - I'm talking about every day experiences.⁠

⁠For me a VIP experience in my day is ...

💖 being greeted with a smile, a warm welcome and someone who cares for me as a customer. I'll be your biggest fan and I'll rave about you to everyone.⁠

💖 the waiter remembering what we've ordered and what we're drinking, sometimes simply saying "same again?" without interrupting the flow of our conversation.⁠

💖 answering my enquiry in a timely manner and providing a great delivery experience (often with a little thanks for purchasing note)⁠.


It's the little things I do for myself that make me feel like a VIP in my own life, things like:

👉 My fancy room spray makes the place smell fabulous⁠

👉 Fresh flowers to brighten the room⁠

👉 Make the bed so it's inviting to come back to⁠

👉 Using my favourite coffee cup every morning⁠


And it's also booking in special treats to celebrate an occasion, a milestone or a business win - like the Camilla high tea I had at The Langham in Sydney last week with Justine 💖

To put it simply, life's short and I'm going to make the most of it.


My vision board coming true this year looks like this:

🌟 All my clients will feel like a VIP when they work with me.

🌟 I'm going to make me feeling like a VIP every single day

🌟 Not tolerating bad service in return for my hard earned $$


Want to stand out from your competitors? Give VIP service.

Want to feel great everyday? Give yourself VIP service.

It's the little things that make all the difference. 


Let me know how you're adding a little VIP to your world by hitting reply to this email. I'd love to hear about what you're doing to add a bit of sparkle to the world around you!


Rebecca x


PS. Want to experience VIP and surround yourself with positive, like-minded women who'll be your cheer squad? Click here join us inside The Champagne Lounge 🥂

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