4 Tips for Giving Feedback on a Video Draft

video question Aug 25, 2022

Working with a video professional requires you to follow their process in order to get the best video possible.

Over the years I’ve developed a pretty robust process for our clients to follow when giving feedback on a video edit - and that’s what I want to share with you today.


Here are my top 4 tips for giving feedback on a video draft:


1. Listen to the music

When we create a video we ensure the edits in the video are cut to the beat of the music - and this takes time to get right. So whilst the content of your video is important, take a listen to the music track underneath and decide whether you like it or not. This is your chance to change it if it’s not!

You can of course change the music any time - it’s just likely to cost you $$$ to do so.


2. Ignore the colour looking “strange”

One of the most common things we hear is that the draft looks unfinished. 

Things like the colour is weird, the sound is off, it doesn’t look or sound as good as it should. 

It’s OK - that’s the way a draft is meant to be, that’s why we call it a draft. It’s unfinished.

Focus on the content of your video…

  • Is the messaging right?
  • Are all your key messages coming through correctly?
  • Are the names of people spelt right? 

The colour will be ‘graded’ (aka polished and corrected) once the content has been approved - and we do this so we’re not wasting your budget colouring things you might want removed!


3. Consolidate your feedback

When you receive your video to review it’ll likely be on an online platform which enables you to leave your feedback as comments in real time.

Don’t have a conversation with your team members via the comment feature as it’ll just confuse the editor!

Take time to review it with anyone in your business who needs to give input and then add that feedback clearly to the link - the editor will then use this as a checklist which will ensure all your feedback is actioned.


4. Check Your Internet

Finally, one of the other things we quite often hear is that the draft video  is struggling in playback. Consequently clients sometimes think that there must be something wrong with the video that we’ve created for them. This isn’t the case.

Something to note here is that we always review the files that we send out, so we know that you’re getting the best possible version.

Let me explain why this playback issue happens.

We will typically send drafts in Vimeo, so it’s quite likely if you’re having interruptions with playback, then the problem isn’t with the video file itself, but it’s likely your internet connection. 


Considering, particularly in Australia, our internet can be lacklustre in certain areas, I’d recommend trying to go somewhere with a better internet connection to check it, or try it on a different computer just in case you’re having problems.


It’s similar to when your streaming app buffers and you get that spinning wheel while your show freezes. It's incredibly frustrating but it’s just a small price to pay to live on this big island we call home .


I hope that sheds some light on our video draft process and puts your mind at ease the next time you work with a video professional. 

If you’re on the hunt for a production team to help you create a video or online program for our business - let’s chat. Click here to book a FREE CLARITY CALL with me.


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