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3 tips for showing up when it all feels too difficult.

business advice entrepreneurship tcl community Nov 03, 2022
3 tips for showing up when it all feels too difficult.

“Leaders learn to show up even when they don’t want to”

It’s not a new concept but rather a drum I like to bang loudly on semi-regularly and for good reason.

I’m back on deck officially from my real life desk this week, after spending 6 incredible weeks traveling the world for work and play.

Over the course of those 6 weeks I’ve:

๐ŸŒŸ Attended a business retreat with other female business leaders in Hawaii

๐ŸŒŸ Launched the BETA version of The Video Business Bootcamp from New York

๐ŸŒŸ Shared my personal story of Confidence & Courage as a guest speaker at a business retreat in Mallorca, Spain

๐ŸŒŸKept my business running smoothly whilst working virtually, including running productions across Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

๐ŸŒŸ Reflected on what 2022 has been, and what I want 2023 to look like (more on that later)

And then I took some downtime to spend time in the UK with family and friends who I hadn’t seen since pre-covid!

It was glorious. It was fun. And it was at times exhausting (thanks timezones!)

For me, the key to keeping the wheels on the bus was to ensure I was able to keep showing up CONSISTENTLY from wherever I was in the world.

There were times when I didn’t want to show up, and I was thankful that I had forward planned my content to give me the breathing room to not show up live if I didn’t want to.

Sure, a newsletter or two was missed - but I’m human, and I’ve let myself off the hook for that.

The biggest reason that most of us don’t show up consistently is TIME.

We simply run out of it. Loose track of it. Or just don’t prioritize it.

So how did I do it? 

How did I keep showing up for my audience in Australia when I was traveling the world for 6 weeks.

Here’s how:

๐Ÿ‘‰ Forward plan
To take the pressure off, I mapped out my social media content in a framework  and pre-wrote a number of newsletters in advance. I had to do the work up front, then a team member took care of the logistics.

๐Ÿ‘‰ Batched my content
Prior to going away, I had batch recorded my podcast episodes, recorded a number of videos and created a heap of reels - all of this was then scheduled out by my team and sent live according to my plan.

๐Ÿ‘‰ I outsourced
I looked at what I could have reasonably done myself whilst traveling and being present in the moment, and then I outsourced the rest to my team and other external suppliers.

In a nutshell - I stopped doing everything myself!

As business leaders, we didn’t build businesses or choose to working amazing companies to take on every role and task in order to burn out.

We built our businesses and chose our work to lead others with a message we believe in.

So, take this blog as your daily reminder to keep showing up.

You’ve got this.

Rebecca x

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